Losing a client is always a problem - Best companies go one step further

It’s part of your job to be proactive about what makes your customers stay with you.
Our churn analysis platform and service model provides you with insights that help you find at-risk customers, receive upsell opportunities, and improve your customer retention.
Global dashboard of win rates analysis of our clients 2
Trusted by B2B industry leaders

Understand unexplained churn

Once you’ve lost a customer, whether they go to another competitor or simply stop collaborating, Diffly's methodology, combined with technology, analyzes the precise decision drivers that put your client in a position to leave.

Identify at-risk customer

At the end of the journey, B2B companies need to get a positive net revenue retention rate. The best way to reach it is to be proactive by collecting reliable and unbiased feedback on the collaboration and what could be improved

Get upsell opportunities

Get real-time insight on how the collaboration with your client base is working and, at the same time, use Diffly as a new lever to close new - unsuspected - business

Increase client retention

Understand what drives satisfaction or churn so that you can improve your customer retention.

Do the best you can to reduce your churn

Attracting new clients is significantly more expensive than maintaining existing ones. Continuous acquisition strategies expand your customer base and retaining current customers optimizes the value of those you've already engaged.
Diffly’s churn analysis solution adapts the analysis for your own situation:
“Churn” Interviews
Interviews with clients who have left to give you all the reasons why they decided to stop the collaboration.
“Satisfaction” Interviews
Interviews with current clients to assess how you're fulfilling (or not) their expectations.
Scalability logo

Diffly helps us anticipate churn from our clients. Thanks to their unbiased interviews & surveys, our clients are able to express what is wrong and what is right. We considerably improved customer satisfaction and reduced churn by 30%. On top of that Diffly is a lever to detect upsell opportunities. We now use Diffly on a daily basis to make sure we are fulfilling the needs of our customers.

Victor Alexandrian
COO @Scalability

Decision drivers visualisation

Get access to your key decision drivers and leverage your dashboard with your own CRM filters (specific product, client sizes, client categories, competitor, etc.). Receive regular insights and most significant trends that impacts your business.
Global dashboard of decision drivers and a feedback received on a particular deal 1

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